
為自己點2019的開運頭香 Burning the first incense stick for good luck in 2019

Legend has it that the first one who burns an incense stick to send prayers to gods can receive additional good luck from Jade Emperor.

As a matter of fact, there is a holy paradise within ourselves, which is our Godhood or Buddhahood.


一縷馨香,醇厚家風代代傳 The fragrance of incense conveys the virtue of a family

    Incense, traditionally widely used to worship gods with, has been a vital part for Chinese. It has been a significant ritual for Chinese to burn incense at the end of a year to send their best wishes to their ancestors. Home, to many of us, is synonymous with root; that is to say, we Chinese stress the importance of managing our family and learning to empathize with our own family members in the hope that we can have a solid bond with each other and have a fulfilling life. Through burning incense, we remember our ancestors, solidify our family bonds, learn to be grateful and filial, and last but not least, learn to be loving.