
臥房可以點香嗎? Can we burn incense in our bedrooms?

Typically, people associate incense with religious rituals, and thus incense has been regarded as something sacred or inviolable. And, particularly in the opinion of most Chinese, sex has been an embarrassing topic and considered filthy, shameful, and even sinful; as a consequence, sex is only essential to carry on the family line. That is why many people assume it is improper to burn incense in their bedrooms. As a matter of face, ancient people used to burn incense in their bedrooms for various purposes.

Ancient people had many containers, with which they put incense powder in; one of them is called “incense ball”. The sphere-like container is delicately carved to allow the aroma to permeate into the air gradually. Thanks to the wonderful design, no matter how the incense ball rolls, the small bowl-like container inside the incense ball can still stay balanced and horizontally without spilling any incense powder or ashes. Back then, such a thing was often used under their quilts for a pleasant scent.

Ancient people also used incense sachets and hung them on the beds. Back in the Han Dynasty, a Chinese poem, entitled “A Peacock Bound for the Southeast” was written to describe that incense sachets were hung around the mosquito net of a bed to better the atmosphere in the bedroom.

In the Song Dynasty, a female poet, named Lee-Ching-Jiao, was also an incense lover. In her poems, she depicted her passion for incense and revealed the fact that burning incense to add a great atmosphere to the bedrooms was a part of life to many ancient people.

However, ancient people had sophisticated rituals while burning incense. They used different containers depending on the space they were in. The three-legged round containers were used in their studies, while the fish-shaped ones were used in the bedrooms to symbolize the romance of a couple. That being said, we do not have to pay attention to so many details, but if we can prepare different incense containers for different purposes, it can be a token of our respect and enthusiasm for incense!

Nowadays, we have developed diverse kinds of incense to satisfy our need to improve our daily life. These products have nothing to do with religious beliefs and can be used to give off pleasing fragrance to the bedrooms. Some kinds of incense even consist of the herbs that can boost sexual relationships. In short, incense can be definitely used anywhere to improve your living quality!

