
點香會產生二氧化碳,這樣是否不環保? Burning incense produces carbon dioxide, so is burning incense eco-friendly?

Based on the SGS test, burning an incense stick (7cm long, 3 mm in diameter) in a one-cubic-meter compartment for twenty minutes can increase 0.000483 of the total amount of carbon dioxide, weighing about 0.62 grams. That is to say, there is 0.031 more carbon dioxide each minute.

On the other hand, Google is the number one world-famous search engine. As we key in words about eco-friendly tips, in the meantime, we may actually use a number of network servers, some of which are located thousands of miles away. The system of Google is designed to deliver the answer or solution to us from the most efficient site to cut down our waiting time, but such a process is energy-consuming. 
  根據美國哈佛大學物理學家魏斯納─葛洛斯(Alex Wissner-Gross)計算出個人使用網際網路時釋出的二氧化碳量:瀏覽一個簡單的網頁,每秒鐘約產生0.02公克,而觀看複雜的網站,有圖像、動畫或影片,則會驟增十倍,每秒鐘為0.2公克。因此當我們看一支一分鐘的影片時,已經製造出12公克的二氧化碳量,而這是燃燒將進4007公分的天然香的數量。
According to a physics expert in Harvard University, Alex Wissner-Gross, when we use network, browsing a single website can produce 0.02 gram of carbon dioxide each second, while a more complex website which involves pictures, animations, or films can produce ten times more carbon dioxide than browsing a simple website. Therefore, when we see a one-minute film, we can produce 12 grams of carbon dioxide, which is equal to the amount of 400 7-centimeter-long burning incense sticks.
根據行政院環保署的「碳係數資料庫」指出,每製造1公斤的紙,其碳足跡數值是4240公克,而這是點燃約137000支天然香的重量。碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)可被定義為參與一項活動(Activity)或產品的整個生命週期過程所直接與間接產生的二氧化碳排放量。也就是說產品從原料取得、製造、包裝、運送、廢棄到回收,直接或間接的溫室氣體排放,換算成當量二氧化碳,稱為「產品的碳足跡」。根據商業週刊第1149期的報導,一包60克洋芋片的製程會產生80克的二氧化碳,也就是點燃將進2600支的天然香。
Based on the carbon footprint data issued by Environmental Protection Administration, a kilogram of paper produces 4240 grams of carbon footprint, which is equal to 137000 burning incense sticks. Carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the whole process of an activity or in a product. Namely, in the process of manufacturing a product, we have to gather the materials, put them into shapes, pack, deliver, dispose of the waste, and recycle, and these steps directly or indirectly produce carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide produced in a single product can be converted into its own carbon footprint. In the 1149th issue of a Business Journal, a pack of 60-gram potato chips produces 80 grams of carbon dioxide, which is equal to 2600 burning incense sticks.
 You Can Prevent Global Warming and Save Money!〉》作者Jeffrey Langholz指出,火力發電廠生產1度電,會產生1.64美磅二氧化碳,也就是750公克的二氧化碳到空氣中。台灣整體的數字為,1度電產生636公克二氧化碳;台電數字為537公克。

In the book, You Can Prevent Global Warming and Save Money!〉, the author pointed out that one kilowatt produced in the coal-fired power plant creates 1.64 pounds of carbon dioxide; in other words, there will be 750 grams of carbon dioxide in the air. In Taiwan, according to our calculations, one kilowatt can create 636 or 537 grams of carbon dioxide, respectively in two different measurements.

To sum up, burning incense produces only a bit of carbon dioxide. However, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide when burning incense, we can put more green plants in the rooms to help purify the air and add an aura of vigor.

