
竟心香道……覺醒的芳香路徑Meditating with incense----an awakening path of fragrance

    The essence of incense is an inward healing journey.
    Incense ceremony carries the spirit of Zen, also an art that leads us to retrieve our true hearts. Zen can be interpreted as a way of living, a kind of spirit, an attitude, or a perspective on something. Through the connection to incense, we can hopefully enhance our attention, activate our awareness, observe ourselves clearly, and clarify what stops us from moving forward. By virtue of incense, we can really nourish our body and mind, transform our negative thought, enhance our confidence, find our blessings, and connect to the Higher Me.
    Incense is the essence of all the beings, while a ceremony can be a way or method, or even an origin. The apparent ceremony is intertwined with the content. Hegel once said that the exhibition of art is the realization of beauty. Incense ceremony is displayed through the related instruments, a series of activities and rituals. By such doing, we can reflect our own mind and explore ourselves. And, the initial meaning and the ultimate goal are about the origin of all the creations. 

    When we go after something in the outside world, we actually lose the opportunity to know ourselves. Only by looking inward into ourselves can we really hear the true voice. That being said, how do you usually see yourself? Do you connect to your five senses? What do you hear, see, smell, eat or touch? What things do you respond to? Do you feel comfortable or relaxed? At the very moment, do you feel peaceful or sorrowful? Can you perceive your thinking patterns? Are you optimistic or pessimistic? When you meditate with incense and observe all the above-mentioned, you are going back to your inner home. 

    Incense ceremony is above sensory pleasure. It is a beautiful experience about spirit and mind. It leads us to calm down, merge with the big nature in the holy universe. If we can cherish each unique encounter with incense and learn to see things on a higher level, we can return to the perfect origin of life. And, that is the ultimate essence of incense ceremony!


    Incense ceremony is a healing journey for our body, mind, and soul. Let’s travel inwards and meet our true selves.