
天然香一定好嗎?Is natural incense definitely good?

    Often times, people ask if natural incense definitely good and how to distinguish its quality.


來自天地的生生不息---香與五行的關係 The endless cycle of the universe------on incense and the five elements

Chinese classify all the materials into the five elements, including wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The world we live in teems with these five ubiquitous elements. The five elements interact with one another, which lead to changes naturally, and thus we have four seasons. Human-beings should abide by the rhythms of the four seasons, sowing in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in fall, and storing in winter. If not, the violation of natural rhythms of rules can give rise to disorders of all sorts.


竟心香道……覺醒的芳香路徑Meditating with incense----an awakening path of fragrance

    The essence of incense is an inward healing journey.
    Incense ceremony carries the spirit of Zen, also an art that leads us to retrieve our true hearts. Zen can be interpreted as a way of living, a kind of spirit, an attitude, or a perspective on something. Through the connection to incense, we can hopefully enhance our attention, activate our awareness, observe ourselves clearly, and clarify what stops us from moving forward. By virtue of incense, we can really nourish our body and mind, transform our negative thought, enhance our confidence, find our blessings, and connect to the Higher Me.
    Incense is the essence of all the beings, while a ceremony can be a way or method, or even an origin. The apparent ceremony is intertwined with the content. Hegel once said that the exhibition of art is the realization of beauty. Incense ceremony is displayed through the related instruments, a series of activities and rituals. By such doing, we can reflect our own mind and explore ourselves. And, the initial meaning and the ultimate goal are about the origin of all the creations. 

    When we go after something in the outside world, we actually lose the opportunity to know ourselves. Only by looking inward into ourselves can we really hear the true voice. That being said, how do you usually see yourself? Do you connect to your five senses? What do you hear, see, smell, eat or touch? What things do you respond to? Do you feel comfortable or relaxed? At the very moment, do you feel peaceful or sorrowful? Can you perceive your thinking patterns? Are you optimistic or pessimistic? When you meditate with incense and observe all the above-mentioned, you are going back to your inner home. 

    Incense ceremony is above sensory pleasure. It is a beautiful experience about spirit and mind. It leads us to calm down, merge with the big nature in the holy universe. If we can cherish each unique encounter with incense and learn to see things on a higher level, we can return to the perfect origin of life. And, that is the ultimate essence of incense ceremony!


    Incense ceremony is a healing journey for our body, mind, and soul. Let’s travel inwards and meet our true selves.


供香的意義The Meaning of Worshipping with Incense

    To worship gods and all the sentient beings with natural high-quality incense can be done indoors and outdoors, and the details are listed as follows:
  1. We can worship Buddha or Bodhisattva with incense at home and pray for blessings and wisdom.
  2. We can worship our ancestors with incense every morning and evening and pray for a peaceful family or the spiritual promotion of our ancestors.


香--來自天地靈氣的祝福 Incense---a blessing from heaven

            Incense stems from the nourishment of the sun and the moon; furthermore, the quality and property of each incense material vary with the environment and seasons.


聞香,恢復身心安頓與自我療癒 Smell the incense to refresh and heal our body and mind.

            Like human beings, medicinal herbs and incense have life, individual properties and effects.  
    For example, sandalwood and sabina give off an aura of composure, while chamomile and jasmine emanate a pleasant atmosphere.


師法自然,才是製香的精神 Incense should be produced in a natural approach.

Natural incense materials have their own healing properties, which can be activated in the manufacturing, storing, and transforming process. Incense has a natural power, and it also stores the information of the universe. Therefore, incense is a precious treasure that can be used to help balance our body and mind.


香與祝禱Incense and praying



香是一種療癒、修復、靜心、回歸、自在Incense helps us heal, recover, calm down, return to our original state, and stay at ease.

Incense helps us heal, recover, calm down, return to our original state, and stay at ease. God exists inside rather than outside us. Incense leads us to realize the fact that we are never born and we never die and that we are neither clean or filthy in essence.



香是具祥瑞之氣的稀有聖品。 Peace emanates from incense, a rare treasure.

Peace emanates from incense, a rare treasure.
In a peaceful atmosphere, our original feeling or thought can be transformed at the very moment. Naturally and gradually, our anger, anxiety, fear and fret can turn into peace and composure. 


一本特別的香道書,引你走入內在The special book on incense ceremony presents to you an inward path.

書名:《品香靜心》《The Fragrance of Incense Leads to Tranquility
Build up an incense chamber, and allow yourself to heal, recover, calm down, return to your original state, practice incense ceremony, and find the best of you!


沉香之美,氤氳無窮Agilawood is as captivating as can be.

Good-quality incense can calm us down and add pleasure to our life. Ancient Chinese literates enjoyed their life elegantly with incense and so do modern incense-lovers. In the long history of incense, agilawood has been thought highly of and there is a reason for it. Among the four famous incense materials, agilawood is considered the best, followed by sandalwood, ambergris, and musk. Presumably, the value of agilawood is greatly recognized.



一縷青煙心自遠──香‧靜心‧情緒 Alienating from the mundane world------On incense, meditation, and emotions



香---簡單又快速的提神良方 Incense---a simple and rapid tool to revitalize you~

Aromatherapy, based on the use of the all the parts of plants, cropped up in the 1970s and was utilized to cure diseases. It is believed that aromatherapy can regulate our psychological and mental functions and subsequently cure our disorders. According to the director of Polish Aromatherapy Association, aromatherapy can be operated in two ways:


香的價值知多少? How much do you know about the value of the incense?

    The quality of the herbs determines the quality of incense. In order to make sure the quality of the incense is good enough, we cannot pay more attention to the origins, scents, appearances, colors, and textures of the materials.


調一款2016年的上等平安好香 Creating the Incense of the Best Quality for harmony in 2016

In order to thank all of you for your support of the blog, as the Chinese New Year is around the corner, we would like to deliver to you our most sincere wishes based on oriental wisdom through text--our precious incense. Wish you a joyful and peaceful 2016.


沒有宗教信仰為什麼要點香? Why do those who don’t have religious beliefs burn incense?

  People who believe in Taoism, Buddhism, and Catholicism burn incense, and on the other hand, Chinese tend to worship any god in any temple for good luck. Incense, in one sense, has become a token with which people deliver their wishes in their own religious rituals; however, incense is not specifically used on religious occasions merely.


天然香的美學 Seeing Natural Incense from an Aesthetic Viewpoint

The ingredients found in modern incense can be roughly divided into two types------natural and artificial. In ancient China, natural incense was the mainstream, and the ingredients included the roots, stems, leaves, blooms, fruits, bark, trunks of plants as well as animal components, such as musk and ambergris.


香道--喚醒沉睡的嗅息覺受 Tao of Incense---Awakening the Sleeping Sense of Smell

    Normally, people do not pay attention to the subtle changes in our five senses; that is to say, we may feel numb or nothing about the happenings around us. In order to enhance our sensitivity to all the occurrences, we can manage to enhance our sensitivity as well as concentration by distinguishing the scents in the process of appreciating the incense products. For instance, we can lead ourselves to notice how the smell enters our nasal cavities, lungs, and finally all over our body. In the meanwhile, we can also manage to distinguish the changes of the scents in the beginning, middle, and end of the process. Furthermore, we are also advised to feel how the scents affect our bodies and emotions. Through such training, we can sharpen our senses step by step and finally become more and more lucid.


物我香忘──由疏離走向合一的專注力訓練 Melting Yourself in Tao of Incense---a training for concentration

To the novices in Tao of Incense, the incense instruments and the way to use them can fret them more or less, since they may fear becoming a laughing stock. As a matter of fact, Tao of Incense is a synonym for concentration. For starters, we should learn to relax, focus, and maintain a playful mindset. Some beginners are overconcerned, so much so that they appear not comfortable. In such a case, we may alienate from the incense instruments and the incense, and thus cannot be involved in the training process.