
香是一種療癒、修復、靜心、回歸、自在Incense helps us heal, recover, calm down, return to our original state, and stay at ease.

Incense helps us heal, recover, calm down, return to our original state, and stay at ease. God exists inside rather than outside us. Incense leads us to realize the fact that we are never born and we never die and that we are neither clean or filthy in essence.


用香祭拜,從形式來看,是禮敬外在的神明,但真正的意義,則是禮敬我們內在的自性佛。 是佛家所說的自性、佛性;或所謂的「基督」、「阿拉」。
In appearance, we worship the outside gods with incense, but the true meaning is that we pay tribute to our own Buddhahood, which lies inside us. Buddhahood is the synonym for Christ or Allah.

-------摘自《品香靜心》 Excerpts from The Fragrance of Incense Leads to Tranquility

