
師法自然,才是製香的精神 Incense should be produced in a natural approach.

Natural incense materials have their own healing properties, which can be activated in the manufacturing, storing, and transforming process. Incense has a natural power, and it also stores the information of the universe. Therefore, incense is a precious treasure that can be used to help balance our body and mind.


香與祝禱Incense and praying



香是一種療癒、修復、靜心、回歸、自在Incense helps us heal, recover, calm down, return to our original state, and stay at ease.

Incense helps us heal, recover, calm down, return to our original state, and stay at ease. God exists inside rather than outside us. Incense leads us to realize the fact that we are never born and we never die and that we are neither clean or filthy in essence.



香是具祥瑞之氣的稀有聖品。 Peace emanates from incense, a rare treasure.

Peace emanates from incense, a rare treasure.
In a peaceful atmosphere, our original feeling or thought can be transformed at the very moment. Naturally and gradually, our anger, anxiety, fear and fret can turn into peace and composure. 


一本特別的香道書,引你走入內在The special book on incense ceremony presents to you an inward path.

書名:《品香靜心》《The Fragrance of Incense Leads to Tranquility
Build up an incense chamber, and allow yourself to heal, recover, calm down, return to your original state, practice incense ceremony, and find the best of you!