
買房子、車子可以用香來祈福淨化嗎?如何做? Can we purify our new houses or cars for good luck with incense? How can we do it?

Buying new houses and cars is a delightful thing, so many people tend to choose a good timing to welcome their new possessions.

Our home is a place where we can rest, support each other, and communicate with each other. Therefore, it is vital that we create a great atmosphere in our dwellings in order to enjoy a bright and joyful life. On the other hand, driving safely is a requirement for everyone. That being said, many people would purify their houses and cars in the very beginning, since incense can transform negative energy fields and make the space more agreeable to everyone. In case we buy second-hand houses or cars, then purifying the houses or cars is a must-do, because the energy of the previous uses is left in the second-hand houses or cars. So, it is advisable that we burn incense to refresh our second-hand belongings. 

When we are about to purify our houses, we can burn some incense and start to purify the space from the exterior areas to the interior areas, or from the top areas to the bottom areas. As we purify each room, we should walk in a circle three times in a counterclockwise direction and then in the clockwise direction, while saying repetitively that “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” Purify ourselves and the space. Imagine that white light fills the whole space and brings love and joy. Additionally, outside our residence, we can still burn incense to connect to high-level energy to help transform the energy field of the whole community. This can help stabilize the community and bring blessings to the surroundings.

Regarding the cars, we should purify them after purchasing them. We can also choose to hang incense sachets in our cars. Some people find that the incense sachets may smell bad in a while, which is because the incense powder inside the sachets has already transformed the negative energy inside the cars. In such a case, we can change the powder for more blessings.

