
靜坐可以點香嗎? Can we burn incense while meditating?

There are many advantages to burning incense while meditating, for high-quality natural incense brings stable and peaceful energy, and can thus chase away filthy energy as well as evil spirit while creating a pure and harmonic atmosphere. With the incense around, we can easily feel serenity and freedom; furthermore, we can evade from disturbing thoughts and gradually calm down.

Synthetic incense is comprised of herbs and spices, and its manufacture is based on the regulation theories of Chinese herbal medicine. Therefore, incense can be used to regulate our energy, breath, and circulation. Through inhalation and exhalation, the incense enters our body and works on all the organs as well as nadi system, and subsequently nourishes all the body parts, purifies our mind, and stabilizes our state of mind.
According to a Buddha sutra, it is said that diseases, apathy, sorrows, lethargy, and irregular breath can lead to distraction. That is why many people tend to doze off or feel disturbed by lots of thoughts. By burning incense in the process of meditation, we can stay focused on our body and mind, calm down, and develop our wisdom. Furthermore, Taoism is meticulous about regimen and its followers purify their body and mind and smoothen their nadi systems with incense. In addition, since ancient times, the practitioners have burned incense while meditating in order to enhance their awareness as well as wisdom and stay in tranquility.
Before officially starting our meditation, we should try to focus on each detail. Stay focused by preparing the incense and burning it. In the process of meditation, we should concentrate on our noses, breathe consciously, feel the incense entering our body, relax our body, let go of all the emotions, and observe out thoughts. Then, the fragrance will enter our Hippocampus, which is in charge of our memory, and Amygdala, which is in charge of our emotions. Additionally, Hippocampus is the only location where our brain cells renew themselves. If Hippocampus gets stimulated, its memory function will be boosted and subsequently our brains can function better. On the other hand, Amygdala is related to all our feelings, so by means of meditation, Amygdala can shrink and enhance its resistance to pressure. Moreover, meditation can also stimulate our temporal lobe and parietal lobe, and thus promote our empathy as well as compassion, so that we can hopefully learn to be more caring and understanding.
In the Song Dynasty, a poet named Chen-You-Yi mentioned his feelings when burning incense during meditation with his peers in one of his poems. He implicated that when he meditated, he would put aside all the mundane affairs and burn some incense. As he observed that the smoke of then burning incense rising upwards, he realized the smoke was like the clouds in the skies, which gathered and separated, appeared at one moment and disappeared at another moment. He felt the changing clouds and rising smoke were compared to the inconstant mundane affairs; however, our Buddhahood and Godhood always remained unchanged. In brief, by meditating with burning incense around, we may stay in peace and serenity though we live in an unstable and unsure world.


It is advised that we burn some high-quality natural incense during meditation, so that we can enhance and expand our energy in terms of our body, mind, and spirit. To those who live a hectic life and suffer from lots of stress, meditating with incense around can absolutely be an inspiring and stabilizing way of living.

